About Me

I grew up in the US Army, living in multiple locations across the USA including one assignment in Baumholder, Germany.  I exercised my massage skills early on, taking turns with my brother and mother to help my active-duty father work through tired and sore muscles.

I attended UW-Green Bay for my Bachelors in German and Humanistic Studies, during which time I spent a semester studying in Kassel.  As my BA studies came to a close, I decided to pursue a degree in Massage Therapy at my local Rasmussen College, where I earned an Associates of Applied Science in Therapeutic Massage.  With two degrees in six years, I followed my programmer husband to Silicon Valley in 2011 and have been enjoying the weather ever since.  I'm not going to lie, though – I do miss the snow.

My hobbies include biking, gardening, singing with the Aurora Singers, playing alto sax with the San Jose Metropolitan Band, reading whatever book catches my attention, and writing whenever inspiration strikes.